Cloud Services
Is the cloud a good strategy for your business?
What is the Cloud?
Virtualized environments have been around a lot longer than people think. The concept we think of today as “the cloud” began before the 1950s. The original networks were built by universities who used government grant money to run networked “time share” supercomputers that no one could afford.
The age of microcomputers, or what we better know as desktops, brought a new phase to data processing. At first, big corporations (like the major energy companies) owned these microcomputers and they were connected in small, local area networks in a building. Eventually, offices needed to be networked and regions of the country and the world needed to be connected. As we grew in our sophistication of computing data, the industry moved back to the model originally built, where data was kept more in a central location. The cloud is that central location.
Types of Cloud Services:

Software as a Service
A.K.A. Software-On-Demand, is any cloud service where the user can access software applications over the internet.

Platform as a Service
Computing that provides a platform and environment to allow developers to build services and applications over the internet.

Infrastructure as a Service
Computing infrastructure which could include virtual server space, network connections, bandwidth, IP addresses and load balancers.
Benefits of Operating from the Cloud
The Cloud isn’t right for every business.
While the cloud’s pros typically outweigh the cons, there are some things to be aware of when considering this option for your business. When working with our clients, we talk through these disadvantages and suggest variations or alternatives.
So Should You Move Your Business to the Cloud? Click here to take our 7 question quiz.
Featured Product
This month’s featured product is IBM’s Aspera. This high-speed file transfer protocol can move data 100s of times faster than traditional methods, no matter the distance, the file size, or the network conditions. And because it uses enterprise-grade user access controls and encryption, it’s more secure than traditional methods too. With a bunch of tools and variations including a SaaS and Direct-to-Cloud option, this product can be implemented to fit practically any system. It’s an impressive product that we recommend you check out.