Case Studies


Let us help you improve your processes.   Issue: An energy company came to us asking for help with their billing system. Details: The company had repeated product delivery complications, and was struggling [...]


We can help you expand your capabilities.   Issue: One of Oklahoma’s state agencies was looking to expand a legacy program that gathered data from all over the state. Details: The information was [...]


We can help you finish your projects on time.   Issue: An Oklahoma law firm was behind on the creation of a program to collect information as required by law. Details: This information [...]


Need help keeping your data safe & secure?   Issue: A membership-centric organization needed help with a system breach. Details: Their servers had been hacked and they needed to regain control over their [...]


We help you find the right solutions. Issue: One of the busy transportation companies that service the oilfields in the southwestern US needed help with their information systems. Details: Getting a modern system [...]

How can we help?

Contact us to discuss your needs and perhaps schedule a meeting.